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Yes, you read that right, Boston Hale is taking on the Brighton Marathon in aid of Stroke Association!

On April 14th, Simon, Luc and Rachel will don their trainers and Stroke Association vest and brace themselves for the 26.2 mile run. Why? Well, at Boston Hale, charity is a big part of our company values. We believe that every employee holds a charity close to their heart, or a particular cause that they want to support, so we hold various charity days throughout the year to allow us to raise money for each employees’ charity of choice. However, for 2019, we wanted to do something different; something bigger. So, we got together and decided that we would create a Boston Hale team and run the Brighton Marathon! It wouldn’t be easy, but we aren’t the type to shy away from a challenge.
But why Stroke Association? Well, that is down to Rachel…

Rachel’s Story

“Just before I joined Boston Hale, my Nan passed away. She had been ill for a while and, just as she started to seem better, suffered a stroke. She died a few days later. This understandably had a massive effect upon my family, as she was very much the glue that kept us all together. Some of you reading this will have had the pleasure of meeting my Nan, but for those who didn’t, she was a magnificent woman. Often to be found at family gatherings with a cigar in one hand and a whisky in the other, she was shockingly funny, incredibly kind, full of advice and encouragement – a truly remarkable person in so many ways that I can’t begin to fit into this one post. She was an inspiration to me and to many others I am sure.
When Boston Hale said that they were looking at running the Brighton Marathon for charity, my first thoughts were that of terror. I am not a runner, and my trainers have certainly been gathering dust for longer than I would care to admit. But then, I started to think about how, just maybe, I could honour my Nan in some way. I researched the charities available and when I found that we could run in aid of Stroke Association, I immediately said yes. The work they do is incredible, from their campaign work for better stroke care, to delivering life-changing support to thousands of stroke survivors and their families each year. My Nan didn’t recover from her stroke, but Stroke Association are there to provide transformative support to those that do.
Running a marathon for a charity is a lot of things – daunting, motivating, challenging – but most importantly, it is incredibly worthwhile, and I will be doing all of this in memory of Josephine Robinson!”

We as a team would love to raise as much money as possible for Stroke Association, so any amount you can spare is greatly appreciated! You can visit our Just Giving page here.

Training has officially begun, and our legs already ache, but every step is worth it. We will keep you all updated on our journey to the starting line.
Thank you to everyone who donates, the support means a lot to us all and will keep us going through those 26.2 miles!

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