On the 29th January, we ran a collective 188km for Marie Curie smashing our target of 150km! Between the staff we ran, walked and rowed our way past our initial goal. Thirteen of us embarked on the challenge, with a vast mix of marathon runners' abilities to never running before. It was not all smooth sailing with the heavy weather we all experienced in the week building up to this and on the day; some people were closer to swimming than running with mud also adding some excitement to some of our runs.
We are so proud that we have raised over £2000 so far and still climbing, which is far higher than our original target. We are incredibly grateful for anyone who donated or wished us well, and this will not be the end of Boston Hale raising money for Marie Curie; we will continue to do events throughout the year to get to our £10,000 target.
It costs Marie Curie over £8000 per day to run just one hospice, and they rely on donations alone. We set our target to run a hospice for one day, which is the least we can all do for this fantastic charity.
Watch this space!
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